Milk & More Doorstep Delivery
As of 30th November 2020 our original, organic cow’s milk kefir will be available in 500ml size glass bottles! These will be available exclusively through Milk & More (milkandmore.co.uk) the online fresh groceries morning doorstep delivery service (aka the milkman!).
It is exciting to be supplying a business we admire. One that provides an essential service (especially during lockdown), in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.
From Monday Milk & More customers will be able to enjoy the taste and goodness of real kefir, delivered to their doorstep. Nourish Kefir is produced in our artisan dairy in South Croydon. We ferment real live kefir grains in organic cow’s milk. We believe this is the best quality kefir and provides a naturally abundant and diverse range of gut friendly bacteria. So it’s the same great tasting kefir – now in glass bottles!