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Kefir deliveries… an update from us

Nourish Organic Kefirs

Kefir deliveries… and update from us

As mentioned before we are still producing kefir this week – unless we are instructed to close.
Staff are working at increased distance and wear masks and gloves and washing their hands frequently.
We have received many orders since last week and I need to ask you to bear with us.
Not only are we under pressure to keep up, which we will try to do – but the courier firm has informed us that unfortunately they cannot guarantee any deliveries at this time!

So, we will dispatch when we can and we will inform you about delivery of your order as soon as we can.
If the courier network fails we may be forced to stop sending drinks by this method and we will see if we can implement something else?

So far we can still post starter cultures. As long as you can source milk these are a good option, value for money and keep kefir on tap!

Like you, we don’t know any more than this. My team are amazing and doing their best to carry on. We will update if we have any further news.
Stay safe, Deborah x

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Keeping safe, calm and carrying on…

fermenting kefir grains

Keeping safe and fermentation of kefir grains

Dear Friends,
We hope you are keeping safe and well during this worrying time.
At Nourish Kefir we are very serious about our fermentation of kefir grains, our kefir production, hygiene and food safety.
We are taking extra precautions to keep our staff safe and our kefir drinks in perfect condition for you.

As long as we are able to secure our supplies of British Organic cow’s milk and fresh British goats milk we will continue to ferment our kefir grains and production.
We are a small team, and everyone here is doing such a great job – and not letting fear take over.

I believe drinking kefir at this time is a very positive support to the immune system by supporting the gut – 70% of the immune system is in the gut!

If you have any questions do get in touch.
Take care, Deborah