Organic Madagascan Vanilla Kefir

(1 customer review)


Organic Madagascan Vanilla Kefir Drink, sugar free

Pack of 8 x 250ml bottles.

SKU: NK_MV Category:


Organic Madagascan vanilla kefir is so delicious and creamy and free from added sugar.  If you like vanilla we think you’ll love it!

We’ve infused our authentic organic cow’s milk kefir with organic and Madagascan Vanilla seeds – and that’s all!  
It’s a simple combination of creaminess and vanilla that tastes indulgent – but is actually pure, natural and guilt-free!

There’s no added sugar – and the taste is refreshingly not sweet!

It’s a delicious treat on it’s own at any time of the day, but it is also makes for a luxurious breakfast when poured over muesli or granola.  And it’s a perfect partner blended with fruits and oats into a smoothie that will make you smile.

As you would expect – having been made with real kefir grains it is packed with billions of gut friendly bacteria and enzymes, vitamins and minerals including calcium to keep your tummy happy as well as your taste-buds happy!

Order here for  delivery to your door in packs of 8 x 250ml bottles…
You can also order a combo in 250ml size and mix and match with your favourites!

Our promise to you is that we will always ferment real kefir grains, to give you the very best authentic kefir drinks.   We use all organic ingredients. We don’t use additives, thickeners or preservatives either!
Simple, Honest, Good!

About Organic Madagascan Vanilla – it is the worlds second most expensive spice after saffron.  It is pollinated by people rather than bees and labour intensive to produce, but we love it!

Additional information

Weight 2000 g

1 review for Organic Madagascan Vanilla Kefir

  1. Audrey (verified owner)

    We love this product. With a hint of vanilla makes it just that bit more special! Both my husband and I have a glass full every day. We miss it when we don’t take it. We did originally take the plain one, but now this is our favourite. Kefit does make a difference to your well being.. even my husband admits that!

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