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Real Kefir vs Covid Study

Kefir Vs Covid

Real Kefir vs Covid Study
Learn about the immune protecting properties of real kefir (made from grains) in scientifically proven research
We provide a link to the full study – but here are a few snippets here to get you as excited as we are about the scientifically tested effects of real kefir on various bodily functions to help potentially protect against the effects of covid 19.

What does the real kefir vs covid study tell us?:
“With respect to human health, kefir has antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory potential. Kefir has been shown to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme levels, cholesterol metabolism, accelerate wound healing, suppress tumour
growth, and cause alterations in the immune system to improve asthma symptoms and allergy.”

“Kefir and its probiotic contents can modulate the immune system to suppress infections from viruses (e.g. Zika, hepatitis C, influenza, rotaviruses).”

“Kefir can act as an anti-inflammatory agent”

“It has been postulated that some COVID-19 patients die after the massive inflammatory response resulting from a cytokine storm … Kefir can inhibit the activity of proinflammatory cytokines. Using kefir (and its byproducts) as an inhibitor of
proinflammatory cytokines in COVID-19 patients could be a viable policy.”

References: Reham Samir Hamida, Ashwag Shami, Mohamed Abdelaal Ali, Zakiah Nasser
Almohawes, Afrah E. Mohammed, Mashael Mohammed Bin-Meferij,
Kefir: A protective dietary supplementation against viral infection,
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 133, 2021, 110974, ISSN 0753-3322,

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Boost your Gut – protect against covid

Protect your gut from covid

Boost your Gut – protect against covid.  An article in the Daily Mail online reports recent scientific studies suggesting that people with healthy gut microflora could be better able to fight off an attack of the corona virus, compared to someone with an impaired gut micro-flora.

A gut that functions normally and has a rich and diverse range of friendly bacteria is better able to support the body’s overall immune system and potentially better able to resist infection.
Drinking kefir is a good way to obtain a diverse range of good bacteria.  It is a low cost, natural food that could boost your gut and protect against covid.  Kefir made from grains is the best quality you can get.  It provides a naturally fermented range of good bacteria, good yeasts, enzymes and beneficial exopolysaccharides.  Real kefir’s acidity and sour taste can also help reduce bad bacteria and repopulate the intestines with good bacteria.  How long this takes varies from person to person and how much kefir is consumed each day.

A balanced, nutritious diet and eating fresh fruit are other simple measures also reported to make a difference.

Ferment your own (so cheap to do) or buy our premium kefir – and drink some every day.
Stay safe and stay well!

Links are provided above to scientific studies investigating the benefits of drinking kefir. In our opinion, kefir made from grains offers the best gut boosting support.  Photo shows MD Deborah with kefir grains that have been fermenting in organic cow’s milk.

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Milk & More Doorstep Delivery

Milk & More milkman

Milk & More Doorstep Delivery

As of 30th November 2020 our original, organic cow’s milk kefir will be available in 500ml size glass bottles! These will be available exclusively through Milk & More ( the online fresh groceries morning doorstep delivery service (aka the milkman!).

It is exciting to be supplying a business we admire.  One that provides an essential service (especially during lockdown), in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

From Monday Milk & More customers will be able to enjoy the taste and goodness of real kefir, delivered to their doorstep.  Nourish Kefir is produced in our artisan dairy in South Croydon. We ferment real live kefir grains in organic cow’s milk.  We believe this is the best quality kefir and provides a naturally abundant and diverse range of gut friendly bacteria.  So it’s the same great tasting kefir – now in glass bottles!

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Kefir deliveries… an update from us

Nourish Organic Kefirs

Kefir deliveries… and update from us

As mentioned before we are still producing kefir this week – unless we are instructed to close.
Staff are working at increased distance and wear masks and gloves and washing their hands frequently.
We have received many orders since last week and I need to ask you to bear with us.
Not only are we under pressure to keep up, which we will try to do – but the courier firm has informed us that unfortunately they cannot guarantee any deliveries at this time!

So, we will dispatch when we can and we will inform you about delivery of your order as soon as we can.
If the courier network fails we may be forced to stop sending drinks by this method and we will see if we can implement something else?

So far we can still post starter cultures. As long as you can source milk these are a good option, value for money and keep kefir on tap!

Like you, we don’t know any more than this. My team are amazing and doing their best to carry on. We will update if we have any further news.
Stay safe, Deborah x

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Keeping safe, calm and carrying on…

fermenting kefir grains

Keeping safe and fermentation of kefir grains

Dear Friends,
We hope you are keeping safe and well during this worrying time.
At Nourish Kefir we are very serious about our fermentation of kefir grains, our kefir production, hygiene and food safety.
We are taking extra precautions to keep our staff safe and our kefir drinks in perfect condition for you.

As long as we are able to secure our supplies of British Organic cow’s milk and fresh British goats milk we will continue to ferment our kefir grains and production.
We are a small team, and everyone here is doing such a great job – and not letting fear take over.

I believe drinking kefir at this time is a very positive support to the immune system by supporting the gut – 70% of the immune system is in the gut!

If you have any questions do get in touch.
Take care, Deborah