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Merry Christmas 2015!

NK Xmas Card


Merry Christmas 2015
Thank you to all our customers, suppliers, friends and family for your continued support, encouragement and kind words !
Have a wonderful few days!
We will be fermenting again on 29th and should be able to send out orders on Tuesday for delivery on 30th.


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Channel 4 Superfoods 2015

TV crew

TV crew 2
Superfoods: The real story, was shown on Channel 4 (20.07.2016 ).  It features Nourish Kefir watch at this link

We had a wonderful day when the crew came to visit us and record us making kefir for their episode.  Kate was drinking kefir at our premises on the day, which is before she took part in the scientific study – so her ‘before’ samples already had kefir in them… this will have skewed the results from the analysis, because she would have needed to have not had any kefir in her first sample, so that the ‘after’ sample would give a more authentic result.

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Abel & Cole Deliver Nourish Kefir

Able and Cole Van

Abel & Cole Deliver Nourish Kefir

We are really thrilled to announce that you can now buy our organic certified drinks through the wonderful Abel & Cole Home Delivery Service.

We are very excited to become one of their latest Organic, authentic
suppliers and to have the opportunity to reach more lovely customers who want the best organic produce from Abel & Cole.
Delivery prices are good and there’s lots of other delicious produce you may be interested in adding to your delivery box!  Delivery reach is now across many parts of the UK

We have shared values when it comes to organic produce and are delighted that they are selling our organic range.

When Deborah visited Abel & Cole she made a short video about how we make real kefir with kefir grains, check out the link to it here


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SALSA approval awarded to Nourish Kefir.

The SALSA accreditation is highly regarded as a trusted quality assurance of a small food producer.
Having Salsa approval demonstrates that as a producer of real kefir we follow all the relevant measures of food safety to ensure that the range of kefir drinks we deliver is always of the highest quality.

We value our product integrity, which is why we ferment our organic cow’s milk and goats milk with authentic kefir  grains.
We manage all our production here at our dairy in South Croydon.  This is were we ferment all our precious kefir grains – and also where we ferment our organic cow’s milk, and now also in goats milk.

We are so delighted to have achieved SALSA approval year after year.  Salsa approval is not easy to get, which makes it all the more worth while! As a small producer we appreciate the high standards the SALSA organisation demands of all its members and we are committed to maintaining those standards.
Salsa keeps up to date with all legal requirements and guides all small producers who are audited by SALSA to make sure they maintain the highest of standards at all times.
Visit the SALSA website for further information.
If you have any questions about this accreditation please contact us.