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Great Taste 2021 awarded 1 star to Nourish Kefir

Great Taste Award 2021 1 star

Great Taste 2021 awarded 1 star to Nourish Kefir
Nourish Kefir Organic Cow’s Milk Kefir and Nourish Goats Milk Kefir drinks have both been awarded 1 star from the judges at the 2021 Great Taste Awards.
The judges commented as follows:
An enticing looking drink with good freshness on the nose. The flavour is delicate and well balanced. Refreshing and easy to drink. We imagine enjoying it with Middle Eastern foods.
This kefir has a delightful aroma with fresh dairy and slight fermented notes. On the palate it was really refreshing and we loved the balance of creamy milk and slight effervescence from the ferment. A very clean and delicious product.

And for the goats kefir the judges noted:
This was lovely – a smooth, creamy, refreshing drink with a delicious earthy tang. There was a ‘farmyard’ element to the taste which was entirely pleasant, and a slight effervescence from the fermentation process on the tongue really made the flavour of the goat’s milk come alive.
This kefir has a wonderful sweet and goaty aroma without bordering into animal notes. This is refreshing and effervescent and it is a tasty, healthy drink. The milk is very rich and creamy and has a good mouthfeel.

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Constipation and how to relieve it?

kefir grains in shape of intestins

Constipation and how to relieve it?
If you suffer with constipation, we have a few tips to suggest that may help you…

Years ago, when I was dealing with my own IBS issues, my bowel would sometimes oscillate between diarrhoea to constipation.  Not being able to go is nearly as bad as not being able to stop the need to go!  I was informed back then, by a doctor, of the 3 things needed to relieve symptoms of constipation:

Water, oil and movement

1 – Water – We are approx 70% water and many of us underestimate how much we need and don’t drink as much as we think.

2 – Oil – Think of your intestines like the engine of your car – it needs oil!  I think pure cod liver oil is best.  My approach is to take a bit more until my bowels function normally, then reduce the amount of oil as movement becomes easier and regular.

3 – Movement – Your body is a muscle machine, it is built to move, so move more!  Exercise more if you can.

Recently I have begun to have a more ‘Mindful’ appreciation of the food I’m eating, and I wonder if this too will help anyone suffering with constipation or a sluggish digestion?  Here’s what I practice if you want to give it a try:

  • Sit and eat at a table for all meals.
  • Look at your food (not your phone/TV). Notice the colour and textures of the food.
  • Appreciate that someone somewhere in the world farmed and grew the food on your plate. Be grateful you didn’t have to grow or farm the food you are eating – or if you did grow it – appreciate that you were able to do this – what an achievement!
  • Take smaller mouthfuls and really notice the flavours of how the food tastes.
  • Chew the food well. Chewing well can be a challenge; I know I often scoff food down and sometimes can’t even remember what I had for a meal!  By chewing properly, we enable the saliva in our mouths to coat the food and start the process of digestion.  Chewing breaks the food down into smaller bits (the job of the teeth!) and the saliva starts the digestive enzymes as the food arrives in our stomach.  Interestingly, the layer of internal ‘skin’ membrane of the intestines is only around 0.2mm – although it’s strong, it’s also delicate, so we do ourselves a favour by chewing our food well!

Kefir and digestion:

Kefir made from grains is a great support to your digestion from the first mouthful, as it encourages your natural metabolism to help you digest your food.  Due to its slight sour taste, drinking kefir before a meal will activate your mouth saliva and the digestive juices in your stomach.
Kefir is nutritious and full of good gut bacteria and enzymes that will help push out the bad bacteria and replace with the good; these in turn will help the intestinal tract to absorb the nutrients from the food we eat, and in doing so, kefir will support normal bowel functions, which are digestion, assimilation and elimination.

And finally, as we’ve always been told… remember to regularly eat fibrous foods including lots of fresh green veggies and fruits – such as an apple a day!

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Inflammation Reduction After Drinking Kefir

Inflammation Reduction After Drinking Kefir… 
Hi Deborah,
Hope you are all well there?
Just placed my regular order 👍
Had some good news this morning from my crohns nurse specialist.
Obviously haven’t been seen since 2019 due to covid but recently had a telephone consultation.
Mentioned I was drinking kefir daily and we decided to test a stool sample again to check my inflammation levels. Had gone up in 2019 to 506 but she’s just emailed me with the result – now 274 😮
Am so pleased as your kefir is definitely helping reduce the inflammation. Hopefully it will continue to reduce it some more.
Thanks SO much for your wonderful product. Don’t know why it’s taken me so long to discover it 😂
Best Wishes,
Debbie 💐😊
Real kefir made from grains has anti inflammatory properties… not just because it contains lots of gut friendly bacteria – but that the exopolysaccharide kefiran – (only present in kefir from grains) is able to act like a soothing balm on an inflamed intestinal tract, to bring it back to normal.  Blood tests are a good way to measure inflammation markers, and generally a sign of inflammation in the body is a warning.  To find a natural wholesome food that can contribute to the reduction of intestinal inflammation is in very special!
Is it backed by science? Yes: research by  K L Rodrigues 1J C T CarvalhoJ M Schneedorf investigating the anti-inflammatory effects of real kefir in a laboratory environment have been able to identify the ability of real kefir achieved positive results in their tests

Of course, the real proof is in everyday life.  And hearing back such positive news from one persons experience could offer hope to many more.

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Real Kefir vs Covid Study

Kefir Vs Covid

Real Kefir vs Covid Study
Learn about the immune protecting properties of real kefir (made from grains) in scientifically proven research
We provide a link to the full study – but here are a few snippets here to get you as excited as we are about the scientifically tested effects of real kefir on various bodily functions to help potentially protect against the effects of covid 19.

What does the real kefir vs covid study tell us?:
“With respect to human health, kefir has antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory potential. Kefir has been shown to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme levels, cholesterol metabolism, accelerate wound healing, suppress tumour
growth, and cause alterations in the immune system to improve asthma symptoms and allergy.”

“Kefir and its probiotic contents can modulate the immune system to suppress infections from viruses (e.g. Zika, hepatitis C, influenza, rotaviruses).”

“Kefir can act as an anti-inflammatory agent”

“It has been postulated that some COVID-19 patients die after the massive inflammatory response resulting from a cytokine storm … Kefir can inhibit the activity of proinflammatory cytokines. Using kefir (and its byproducts) as an inhibitor of
proinflammatory cytokines in COVID-19 patients could be a viable policy.”

References: Reham Samir Hamida, Ashwag Shami, Mohamed Abdelaal Ali, Zakiah Nasser
Almohawes, Afrah E. Mohammed, Mashael Mohammed Bin-Meferij,
Kefir: A protective dietary supplementation against viral infection,
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 133, 2021, 110974, ISSN 0753-3322,

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Boost your Gut – protect against covid

Protect your gut from covid

Boost your Gut – protect against covid.  An article in the Daily Mail online reports recent scientific studies suggesting that people with healthy gut microflora could be better able to fight off an attack of the corona virus, compared to someone with an impaired gut micro-flora.

A gut that functions normally and has a rich and diverse range of friendly bacteria is better able to support the body’s overall immune system and potentially better able to resist infection.
Drinking kefir is a good way to obtain a diverse range of good bacteria.  It is a low cost, natural food that could boost your gut and protect against covid.  Kefir made from grains is the best quality you can get.  It provides a naturally fermented range of good bacteria, good yeasts, enzymes and beneficial exopolysaccharides.  Real kefir’s acidity and sour taste can also help reduce bad bacteria and repopulate the intestines with good bacteria.  How long this takes varies from person to person and how much kefir is consumed each day.

A balanced, nutritious diet and eating fresh fruit are other simple measures also reported to make a difference.

Ferment your own (so cheap to do) or buy our premium kefir – and drink some every day.
Stay safe and stay well!

Links are provided above to scientific studies investigating the benefits of drinking kefir. In our opinion, kefir made from grains offers the best gut boosting support.  Photo shows MD Deborah with kefir grains that have been fermenting in organic cow’s milk.